Six Main Benefits of HOCATT Therapy

Book Your Exclusive
Detox Package Today!
Start with a complimentary detox assessment using the advanced Oligoscan technology (valued at $99).
Based on your results, you’ll be offered the opportunity to Book 5 HOCATT Sessions for $699 - Save $550! AND receive a FREE post-session review - an additional $99 value.
Before you dive into detoxing, it's important to know what toxins are in your body, and the Oligoscan makes this easy.
Before you dive into detoxing, it's important to know what toxins are in your body, and the Oligoscan makes this easy. It quickly and non-invasively measures mineral and heavy metal levels in your tissues, offering instant insight into what needs to be cleansed for targeted and effective detoxification.
Book Your Complimentary Oligoscan Today!
(Valued at $99)
Stimulating and supporting the immune system
Improving blood and lymph circulation
Ensuring post-operative recovery

Reducing stress and anxiety
Showing anti-aging effects
Relieving acute and chronic pain
Detox with HOCATT
The HOCATT uses steam, infrared light, and ozone therapy to enhance detoxification, boost circulation, and strengthen your immune system. You'll feel lighter, clearer, and energized after each session. The HOCATT treatment is 7 times more effective than traditional saunas at detoxifying and binding heavy metals. Ozonated steam floods your body with SuperOxygen molecules, which bind to toxins and heavy metals for easier elimination, while you sweat away toxins in the sauna chamber.

Maintain detox benefits with Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse. This supplement supports natural detox pathways and liver health, featuring organic detoxifying herbs and Fullerene. This powerful carbon molecule absorbs and removes toxins safely, keeping you revitalized and vibrant daily.